29 Dec Welcome
Welcome to the first installment of my blog. . . a space that I hope to use to share observations, throw out some ideas and create an ongoing sense of community for readers.
If you are reading this, I assume that you have seen my website and know that much of the work that I do is about helping you achieve balance in your life. Balance among the competing forces for your time, your energy and your spirit. Balance between taking good care of yourself and respecting your own needs, while also tending to the needs of those you love. And balance between wanting to feel strong and powerful in your body and really really wanting that second helping of whatever. This is hard work.
As I write this, it is the holiday season . . . a time when even the most practiced amongst us are struggling to fit it all in. I, for one, am feeling the pull toward over-scheduling and feeling the impact of conflicting demands.. . . which isn’t fun or pretty for anyone involved. Maybe that isn’t the best thing to share as I invite you to join me in this community, but it is the truth. And most importantly, this will be a space in which I write freely about the issues and concerns that I am thinking about as we all work toward a place of balance in our lives.