Psychologist Westport Tag
It is winter, it is cold, there is still snow everywhere. It is that time of the year when many people find themselves in the emotional rut between the hopefulness of New Year’s resolutions and the first whiffs of spring. It can be bleak and...
Several weeks ago, I went on one of those surprising and glorious January runs. The air was crisp and clean and not freezing, and the ground had none of the icy patches on it that can usually keep me inside and on the treadmill for...
People ask me a lot about what to do with the feelings of self-reproach and self-disdain that often accompany the desire to lose weight. Often clients come to counseling with a full litany of internal tapes that play loudly and repeatedly in their heads. You...
We all know how this story goes. . . we are clear and focused in mid-December as we envision the new plans and strategies that we will implement come January. Through the haze of our less than stellar food choices and through the lens of...